June 2004Vol. 5, No. 5New Publications on Proposal Writing
Two new publications are available to help organizations develop winning proposals.
Based on a new set of interviews with grantmakers, The Foundation Center's Guide to Proposal Writing (4th edition) provides insight into the grant decision-making process. Thirteen chapters cover such topics as setting funding priorities, researching potential funders, and developing various sections of the master proposal. A sample proposal and selected resources also are provided. The book can be ordered for $34.95 from the Foundation Center website at www.fdncenter.org/marketplace/catalog/product_monograph.jhtml?id= prod10047&navCount=1&navAction=jump. (Editor's note: This link is no longer available, but the 6th edition of the book can be ordered at http://marketplace.foundationcenter.org/Publications/Fundraising/The-Foundation-Centers-Guide-to-Proposal-Writing-6th-Edition.)
Another new publication, Successful Grant Writing (2nd Edition), targets health and human service professionals. The book provides the perspective of both the funding agency and the grant seeker, and includes topics such as models for proposal development, writing a proposal, and managing a grant award. The book is available from Springer Publishing Company for $39.95: www.springerpub.com/books/social_work/pub_9261_0.html. (Editor's note: This link is no longer active, but the 4th edition of the publication is available at http://www.amazon.com/Successful-Grant-Writing-Edition-Professionals/dp/0826100902.)