April 2020Vol. 21, No. 3April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Every April, the Children's Bureau observes National Child Abuse Prevention Month (NCAPM) to raise public awareness of child abuse and neglect, recommit efforts and resources aimed at protecting children and strengthening families, and promote community involvement through activities that support the cause. The theme of this year's NCAPM initiative continues to mirror the theme of the 22nd National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect: "Strong and Thriving Families."
This year's campaign features several enhancements to the NCAPM website. The Spread the Word section added a suite of graphics that includes an NCAPM Facebook photo frame. The section also includes information such as key facts and statistics about child abuse prevention, and sample social media posts. The Video Gallery has been replaced with a Multimedia Gallery highlighting videos from Children's Bureau prevention efforts as well as a new podcast series that spotlights the work of several Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention grantees. Other additions to the NCAPM website include a feature that allows users to self-subscribe to receive NCAPM updates.
This year's initiative also highlights the 2019/2020 Prevention Resource Guide, which is intended to support community service providers in their work with parents, caregivers, and children to strengthen families and prevent child maltreatment. It was developed through a partnership between the Office on Child Abuse and Neglect within the Children's Bureau, Child Welfare Information Gateway, and the FRIENDS National Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention. The Prevention Resource Guide continues to focus on the protective factors and offers helpful tip sheet—available in English and Spanish—for parents and caregivers that build on family strengths and promote optimal child and youth development.
The information and resources available in the Prevention Resource Guide can be used all year to help professionals and families prevent maltreatment and work toward child and family well-being. For more information on NCAPM, or to view or order a copy of the 2019/2020 Prevention Resource Guide, visit the NCAPM website.