November 2023Vol. 24, No. 9Federal Funding to Support LGBTQIA2S+ Children, Youth, Young Adults, and Families
A new resource from the Children's Bureau outlines how child welfare agencies, particularly title IV-B state, territory, and tribal agencies and programs in Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP) development, can use federal funds to bolster services, interventions, and supports specifically tailored to the LGBTQIA2S+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, Two-Spirit, or other gender or sexual identity) community. This includes access to counseling, mental health resources, and programs that promote a safe and affirming environment.
The resource encourages training for the child welfare workforce and foster and adoptive parents, especially as part of the CFSP, and discusses ways to support training. Training can foster a better understanding of the specific challenges faced by LGBTQIA2S+ youth and equip caregivers with tools to provide a supportive and accepting environment.
The resource suggests several funding pathways, including the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Child Welfare Services Program, the MaryLee Allen Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program, the John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood, and the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Program.
By using federal funds and incorporating specialized training, child welfare agencies can work toward creating a more inclusive, compassionate, and holistically supportive environment for LGBTQIA2S+ children, youth, young adults, and their families and caregivers.
Access the full resource, Federal Funding to Support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit, Plus (LGBTQIA2S+) Children, Youth, Young Adults, and Families, including links to additional information.