November 2023Vol. 24, No. 9Spotlight on National Adoption Month
This issue of CBX features National Adoption Month and the importance of empowering youth and incorporating their voice in the permanency decisions that affect their lives. Read a message from Associate Commissioner Aysha E. Schomburg about adoption’s impact on the family bond. This issue also includes valuable resources for professionals and the families they serve.
Issue Spotlight
- Blessed and Bonded, A Message From Aysha E. Schomburg
Blessed and Bonded, A Message From Aysha E. Schomburg
Written by Associate Commissioner Aysha E. Schomburg
National Adoption Month is centered on the celebration of families coming together, in an official, government-blessed and bonded way. In many ways, through adoption, family members find and choose each other. The concept of being able to choose family is like pie in the sky for so many of us. The reality that familial union can be formed with a stroke of universal alignment. That’s quite extraordinary.
I’ll be honest, I know many people who have found family through adoption. I’ve had many conversations about how complex it can be because, for every family that is found and formed through adoption, arguably, there is a family that has been dismantled. Perhaps there is even a family that never had a chance—a true chance—to bond. How can we wrestle with that? I know adults who have been adopted and for whom their adoptive family is their one and only true family; their hearts are secure. Still, there are adopted people who have an unwavering desire to be connected to their family members, and even their cultures, of origin.
Adoption from foster care can be especially bilateral. I’m thinking about the very fine line between the importance of celebrating families coming together and acknowledging that families have also been separated. It’s a difficult balance. Somewhere and somehow, a foster care placement happened, a family was not reunified, and the fundamental right to parent was terminated. I know every situation is different. My first job in this profession was as director of parent recruitment (adoptive and foster parents), just 3 years after the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) was signed. When a child is taken into state custody, ASFA requires that actions be taken to initiate termination of parental rights if a parent has not met specific requirements for 15 of the most recent 22 months, with certain applicable exceptions. Fifteen months. They say time waits for no one; yet recovery is a lifelong process. The math just isn’t… mathing. That’s one example.
I wouldn’t be myself if I wasn’t honest about the fact that while I’m proud of the role I played in bringing families together through adoption for the best of it, I question the role I may have played for the worst.
It’s November, and many of us will celebrate our family at Thanksgiving. We must acknowledge that there are many families who are unable to be together, families awaiting a universal shift in their favor. We have a responsibility to wrestle with that. Family is so sacred. In whatever way your soul family has formed, by birth or adoption, or simply by choice, my wish for you is that you can all be together… blessed and bonded.
- November Is National Adoption Month
November Is National Adoption Month
National Adoption Month (NAM) in November is a time to raise awareness of the thousands of children and youth in the foster care system who are waiting for permanent, loving families. The NAM campaign is led by the Children’s Bureau in partnership with Child Welfare Information Gateway and AdoptUSKids.
The theme of this year’s NAM campaign is "Empowering Youth: Finding Points of Connection." It focuses on prioritizing youth voice in adoption efforts and helping young people, especially older youth, develop lifelong connections that extend far beyond their time in care. The focus on youth empowerment demonstrates how crucial it is for child welfare professionals to support young people as they grow into their identities and learn to recognize their strengths, interests, and talents. Professionals must partner with youth on this journey and help them find and maintain connections with supportive family and friends so that they can thrive.
The NAM website provides resources and information to help child welfare professionals with these efforts. Resources include a Permanency Planning With Youth section, which features tools for culturally responsive practice, identity development, and youth engagement. The website also features relationship-building tools from several Children’s Bureau-funded projects designed to eliminate barriers to adoption, such as the National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative and the Quality Improvement Center on Engaging Youth in Finding Permanency.
To hear directly from young people who have experienced adoption, visit the Youth and Family Voices section, which features videos and articles. We invite you to show your support and spread the word about NAM to your colleagues and networks so we can help connect young people with permanent, loving homes.
Explore the NAM website today for more information.
- Considering Race and Culture in Adoption Permanency Decisions
Considering Race and Culture in Adoption Permanency Decisions
A recent webinar from AdoptUSKids, "The Importance of Race and Culture in Adoption Permanency Decisions," brought together child welfare and adoption experts to discuss the critical role of considering race and culture in adoption decisions, with a focus on Latino, Indigenous, and Black children in foster care. The event also featured a consultant with lived experience in transracial adoption who shared stories and strategies.
This webinar underscores that adoption permanency decisions should not only revolve around finding a permanent home but should prioritize a child's racial and cultural background and incorporate youth voice. The presenters highlighted the importance of recognizing and respecting the impact these aspects have on a child's identity and well-being. They also stressed the importance of recruiting adoptive parents who can provide a culturally competent and sensitive upbringing.
Presenters shared strategies on how agencies can improve the ways they engage in conversations about culture and race with adoptive parents, tips for incorporating a cultural and racial lens into their matching efforts, and ways organizations can improve their inclusion of communities of color and youth in their work.
The 90-minute webinar is available in full for free, along with detailed presentation slides, on the AdoptUSKids website.
- Study Findings From Project Examining Permanency Instability After Adoption and Guardianship
Study Findings From Project Examining Permanency Instability After Adoption and Guardianship
The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has made available slides from a presentation on study findings from the Understanding Post Adoption and Guardianship Instability (PAGI) for Children and Youth Who Exit Foster Care project. This presentation sheds light on the complexities surrounding children transitioning from foster care to adoption or guardianship using data from two comprehensive studies, the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW) Adoption study and the Contact After Adoption or Guardianship Child Welfare Agency and Family Interactions study.
The presentation slides from the PAGI project offer a succinct summary of the methodologies, key findings and highlights, and practical implications of these two vital studies. Questions from these studies are focused on risk and protective factors for permanency instability after adoption, accessibility of support services, contact with child welfare agencies after adoption or guardianship is finalized, and information tracking.
A Children's Bureau Express article from June 2023 explores one of the studies, the NSCAW Adoption Study, offering a deeper dive into its findings and implications. This article provides essential context for understanding the challenges and opportunities in the postadoption and guardianship phase.
Additionally, OPRE provides a PAGI tracking toolkit, which includes a user guide, a tracking workbook, and a webinar on how to use the toolkit. A summary report from the Contact After Adoption or Guardianship study is also available. Use these resources to better support children and families during the transition from foster care to permanent adoption or guardianship.
For more indepth information, explore the presentation and related resources linked on the ACF website.
- Exploring and Supporting Identity Development in Adoption
Exploring and Supporting Identity Development in Adoption
This resource from the National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (NTI) discusses the challenges around the question "Who am I?" for youth who are adopted and the importance of supporting identity formation. Many youth who are adopted may need extra support as they grapple with questions surrounding their identity and their place in the world. Mental health and child welfare professionals who receive adoption-specific training are best equipped to support youth and their families as they work through their challenges related to identity.
Filling in the Identity Blanks: Identity Complexity in Adoption explores ways to help families support adoptive youth in understanding and forming their identities, such as the following:
- Encouraging parents to have honest conversations about identity with youth
- Connecting parents to culturally appropriate supports to help them regularly incorporate a youth's ethnic and cultural background
One key takeaway from the discussion is the vital role of mental health and child welfare professionals with adoption-specific training. These experts are ideally positioned to provide the necessary guidance and support to adoptive youth and their families as they navigate the complexities of identity formation.
Access the full resource for more details and to find additional resources. Child welfare professionals looking to expand their skills and support the Family First Prevention Services Act and Child and Family Services Reviews' goals can explore NTI's free training.
Recent Issues
News From the Children's Bureau
In this section, find the latest news, resources, and publications from the Administration for Children and Families, the Children's Bureau, and other offices within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as well as a listing of the latest additions to the Children's Bureau website.
- The Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development Says Farewell
The Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development Says Farewell
After 7 great years, the Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development (QIC-WD) project came to a close in September 2023. In 2016, with funding from the Children’s Bureau, the QIC-WD was charged with building new, evidence-based knowledge about effective strategies to strengthen and improve child welfare workforce outcomes. Through partnerships with eight title IV-B-funded public and tribal child welfare agencies across the county, the QIC-WD examined the following workforce challenges:
- Case-supportive technology
- Competency-based personnel selection
- Job redesign
- Onboarding program
- Organizational change process
- Supportive supervision and resiliency
- Telework
- Work-related traumatic stress
An overview of key findings from the project sites is available in the September QIC-WD newsletter. This article also provides insights on how the QIC-WD was able to bridge the research-practice gap through the team’s work to develop and test workforce interventions, use data to improve workforce outcomes, and share knowledge and resources to advance child welfare practice.
The most recent and final QIC-WD products include the following:
- “Addressing Historical Trauma” [Video]
- “Spotlight on Prevention Teams” [Video]
- “Workforce Analytics Dashboards: Bridging the Gap between HR and Child Welfare” [Video]
- Key Findings/Employee Lifecycle infographic
- Experiences of Professionals of Color in the Child Welfare Workforce
- Secondary Traumatic Stress: Definitions, Measures, Predictors, and Interventions
- Workforce Research Catalog [Tool]
Over the span of the project, a wide range of QIC-WD content and resources were produced. These valuable products are now housed and accessible via the University of Nebraska Digital Commons and Child Welfare Information Gateway.
Learn more about the project in this overview, view some highlights of QIC-WD’s journey in this video, and read the project’s final newsletter, which includes a heartfelt farewell from Dr. Michelle Graef, QIC-WD Project Director.
Related item: Read the article "QIC-WD Announces Key Findings From Eight Child Welfare Workforce Interventions" in the October 2023 issue of CBX.
- Federal Funding to Support LGBTQIA2S+ Children, Youth, Young Adults, and Families
Federal Funding to Support LGBTQIA2S+ Children, Youth, Young Adults, and Families
A new resource from the Children's Bureau outlines how child welfare agencies, particularly title IV-B state, territory, and tribal agencies and programs in Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP) development, can use federal funds to bolster services, interventions, and supports specifically tailored to the LGBTQIA2S+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, Two-Spirit, or other gender or sexual identity) community. This includes access to counseling, mental health resources, and programs that promote a safe and affirming environment.
The resource encourages training for the child welfare workforce and foster and adoptive parents, especially as part of the CFSP, and discusses ways to support training. Training can foster a better understanding of the specific challenges faced by LGBTQIA2S+ youth and equip caregivers with tools to provide a supportive and accepting environment.
The resource suggests several funding pathways, including the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Child Welfare Services Program, the MaryLee Allen Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program, the John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood, and the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Program.
By using federal funds and incorporating specialized training, child welfare agencies can work toward creating a more inclusive, compassionate, and holistically supportive environment for LGBTQIA2S+ children, youth, young adults, and their families and caregivers.
Access the full resource, Federal Funding to Support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit, Plus (LGBTQIA2S+) Children, Youth, Young Adults, and Families, including links to additional information.
- Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System News
Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System News
Written by Children's Bureau Division of State Systems staff
We were delighted to present Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) training at the September 2023 American Public Human Services Association IT Solutions Management Conference in Kissimmee, FL. If you couldn’t attend, here are key messages we shared with states and tribes developing or thinking about developing a new CCWIS:
- In our review of CCWIS projects, the most successful projects support regular and frequent program and information technology (IT) collaboration. Agencies that do so promote active learning to build capacity and strengthen system implementation. Agencies should reinforce the view that CCWIS is a tool to implement and support the child welfare program, not a typical start-to-finish IT project.
- We encourage proactive use of the CCWIS Self-Assessment Tools to support internal reviews and continuous improvement while ensuring alignment with federal regulations applicable to CCWIS and agency program needs.
- Organizational change management is a critical and often overlooked or underfunded aspect of implementing CCWIS. The involvement of multiple partners and system users throughout the system life cycle helps to ensure positive and successful user experiences. Find information about change and implementation in practice on the Capacity Building Center for States website.
- Agencies may wish to consider how automation can be used to provide information to the agency (and/or federal entities) at any point in time to understand potential compliance issues as well as program needs. Agencies should also discuss these activities with their assigned federal analyst during monitoring calls.
Recent Webinar:
- "Fundamentals of Change and Implementation in Child Welfare Information Systems" - Webinar recording from August 30, 2023
Recent and Upcoming Publications:
- CCWIS Technical Bulletin #10: Low Code Solutions - Published August 23, 2023
- Mapping Change and Implementation to CCWIS Projects Tip Sheet - Published TBD
If you have questions and are unsure who to contact, please email You may also be interested in our CCWIS Announcement Listserv.
- CB Website Updates
CB Website Updates
The Children's Bureau website hosts information on child welfare programs, funding, monitoring, training and technical assistance, laws, statistics, research, federal reporting, and much more.
Recent additions or updates to the site include the following:
- ACF Invitation for Tribal Consultation on Notice of Proposed Rulemakings [Letter to tribal leaders]
- ACF Post-Disaster Housing Resources
- Annual Adoption Savings Calculation and Accounting Report
- CFSR Round 4 Program Improvement Plan Development Guidance
- Child and Family Services Reviews Update Volume 17, Issue 4, September 2023
- Federal Funding to Support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit, Plus (LGBTQIA2S+) Children, Youth, Young Adults, and Families
- "Fundamentals of Change and Implementation in Child Welfare Information Systems" [Webinar recording, presentation slides]
- Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022 Adoption Savings Data
- FY 2023 Children's Bureau Discretionary Grant Awards
- Tips for Engaging 17-Year-Olds in the NYTD Survey
- Tips for Using Social Media to Locate and Engage Young People in the NYTD Survey
- Tips for Using Technology to Locate and Engage 19- and 21-Year-Olds in the NYTD Survey
- Title IV-E Programs Expenditure and Caseload Data 2022
- ACF Awards $1.6M to Support First-Ever Federally Funded Program for Medical-Legal Partnerships [Press release]
- The Administration for Native Americans Awards more than $9 Million to Improve Social and Economic Well-Being in Native Communities [Press release]
- Biden-Harris Administration Announces $24.5 Million in Awards in Major Expansion of the Tribal Home Visiting Program [Press release]
- The Biden-Harris Administration Awards $20 Million to Launch First National Center to Support Mental Health Services in the Child Welfare System [Press release]
- Biden-Harris Administration Invests Nearly $2 Million in Digital and School-Based Programs Aimed at Protecting Youth from Human Trafficking [Press release]
- HHS Announces Historic Child Welfare Package to Expand Support and Equity in Child Welfare System [Press release]
- HHS Announces Proposed Regulation to Strengthen Services and Protections for Unaccompanied Children in Its Care [Press release]
- HHS Awards $8.1M to Fund the Third Cohort of the Diaper Distribution Pilot [Press release]
- HHS Awards $9.85 Million to Support Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victims and their Children [Press release]
- IM-23-06: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Foster Care Legal Representation
- IM-23-07: Final Rule on Separate Licensing Standards for Relative or Kinship Foster Family Homes
- IM-23-08: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on safe and appropriate foster care placement requirements under titles IV-E and IV-B for children who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, as well as children who are non-binary, or have non-conforming gender identity or expression (LGBTQI+)
- PI-23-10: Title IV-E Plan Amendment–Separate Licensing Standards for Relative or Kinship Foster Family Homes
- "The ABC’s for Back-to-School Preparation for Refugees, Asylees, Parolees, and Others!" [The Family Room blog]
- "ORR’s Resettled Afghan Surveys Reflect High Employment but Needs Remain" [The Family Room blog]
- "Introducing the Welfare and Family Self-Sufficiency Learning Agenda" [OPRE Insights blog]
Visit the Children's Bureau website often to see what's new.
Training & Technical Assistance Updates
This section features resources and updates from the Children's Bureau's technical assistance partners to support practices and systems that improve the lives of children and families.
- New Publication Provides Tips for Expectant and Parenting Youth in Care
New Publication Provides Tips for Expectant and Parenting Youth in Care
Youth in foster care who are pregnant, expecting, or parenting require individualized services and supports to thrive. Unfortunately, these young people often do not receive adequate support from the child welfare system and face challenges related to a variety of issues, such as housing, education, and work. To help these youth better access the information, services, and resources they need, Child Welfare Information Gateway released a factsheet for youth with tips about government assistance, parenting supports, medical services, and more.
The factsheet, Expecting and Parenting in Care: Tips for Youth, was developed with the help of those who have direct experience expecting or parenting while living in foster care. These lived experience leaders from FosterClub partnered with Information Gateway throughout the development of the tipsheet by sharing their experiences, insights, and advice about expecting or raising a child while in care.
This resource is written for young people and features sections about pregnancy in care, parenting in care, and transitioning from care that address the following topics:
- Understanding your options when you or your partner becomes pregnant
- Prenatal care and health care
- Paternity testing
- Labor and childbirth
- Government assistance programs
- Child support
- Housing
- Education
- Workforce and career supports
- Parenting support
- Oversurveillance
- Mental health
- Transition planning from care
- Extended foster care
- Social support systems
In addition to the factsheet, Information Gateway also released a publication designed for child welfare professionals, Improving Services for Expectant and Parenting Youth in Care. Both publications are available on the Child Welfare Information Gateway website.
- Resource Series on Supporting Pregnant and Parenting People With Substance Use Disorders
Resource Series on Supporting Pregnant and Parenting People With Substance Use Disorders
The National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW) developed a resource series to help pregnant and parenting individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs). This collection is a companion to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Clinical Guidance for Treating Pregnant and Parenting Women With Opioid Use Disorder and Their Infants from 2018. This resource collection consists of four publications designed to inform and empower service providers and individuals dealing with SUDs during pregnancy and parenting. The series covers a range of topics, from understanding the effects of substance use on families to strategies for effective service delivery. A key aspect of the series is its focus on trauma-informed care and a family-centered approach to promoting recovery and family stability.
Publications in the series include the following:
- NCSACW Resources for Professionals Working With Pregnant and Parenting People Affected by Substance Use Disorders and Involved With Child Welfare
- Preparing for Your Baby: Information for Pregnant and Parenting People With Substance Use Disorders
- Resources for Professionals Working With Pregnant and Parenting People Affected by Substance Use Disorders
- Working With Child Protective Services to Support Pregnant and Parenting People, Their Infants, and Families Affected by Substance Use Disorders: A Factsheet for Health Care Providers
The publications provide examples of collaborative efforts between child welfare and substance use treatment systems, emphasizing the need for coordinated services to better meet the needs of parents and children. They also delve into strategies for building a comprehensive system of care by providing evidence-based practices, trauma-informed care, and collaborative solutions.
NCSACW's Supporting Pregnant and Parenting People With Substance Use Disorders Series is an invaluable resource for professionals and individuals dealing with the intersection of substance use and parenting. This series equips individuals and organizations with tools to navigate the challenges associated with SUDs while ensuring the safety and well-being of parents and their children.
- Updates From the Children's Bureau's Training and Technical Assistance Partners
Updates From the Children's Bureau's Training and Technical Assistance Partners
The Children's Bureau funds several technical assistance centers to provide professionals with tools to better serve children, youth, and families. The following are some of the latest resources from these partners.
Child Welfare Information Gateway
- October Social Media Snapshot
- September Social Media Snapshot
- September E-lert!
- Expecting and Parenting in Care: Tips for Youth
- Finding and Working With Adoption-Competent Therapists
- Improving Services for Expectant and Parenting Youth in Care
- National Adoption Month Outreach Toolkit
- National Adoption Month 2023 Website Is Here!
- Parenting in Racially, Culturally, and Ethnically Diverse Adoptive Families
- Transition to Adulthood & Independent Living Outreach Toolkit
Visit the Information Gateway website for more.
Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative
- Center for Courts
- Center for States
- Center for Tribes Tribal Information Exchange
Visit the Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative website for more.
Children's Bureau Learning and Coordination Center (CBLCC)
- "Building Community Capacity to Support Perinatal Mental Health" [Digital dialogue]
- Share & Support for National Bullying Prevention Month
- Social Media Resources for National Bullying Awareness Month
Visit the CBLCC website for more.
FRIENDS National Resource Center
- "October 2023 FRIENDS Peer Learning Call: Prevention Councils" [Webinar recording]
- "September 2023 FRIENDS Peer Learning Call: Disaster Preparedness Response" [Webinar recording]
- "Just Ask" [Animated video]
- "Unstoppable" [Animated video]
Visit the FRIENDS National Resource Center website for more.
National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW)
- "Screening for Substance Use in Child Welfare Using the UNCOPE" [Webinar recording]
- Supporting Pregnant and Parenting People With Substance Use Disorders Series:
- NCSACW Resources for Professionals Working With Pregnant and Parenting People Affected by Substance Use Disorders and Involved With Child Welfare
- Preparing for Your Baby: Information for Pregnant and Parenting People With Substance Use Disorders
- Resources for Professionals Working With Pregnant and Parenting People Affected by Substance Use Disorders
- Working With Child Protective Services to Support Pregnant and Parenting People, Their Infants, and Families Affected by Substance Use Disorders: A Factsheet for Health Care Providers
Visit the NCSACW website for more.
National Child Welfare Workforce Institute (NCWWI)
- 2023 Child Welfare Worker Recognition Event [Video showcase]
- "4 Cs of Workforce Development: Culture, Competency, Capacity, & Community" [Webinar recording]
- Knowledge and Attitudes of Implementation Support Practitioners: NCWWI One-Page Summary
- "ReIgnite Your Spark" [Webinar recording]
- Why Coaching Is Worth Your Investment
- Work With Purpose Child Welfare Professional Recruitment Toolkit
Visit the NCWWI website for more.
National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN)
- 2023 Summer Training Series [Webinar recordings, slides]
- Fall 2023 issue of The NDACAN Updata [Newsletter]
Visit the NDACAN website for more.
Quality Improvement Center on Engaging Youth in Finding Permanency (QIC-EY)
- "From Passenger to Pilot" [Video]
- "Making Moments Matter: Transforming Child Welfare One Moment at a Time" [Webinar recording]
- QIC-EY Lessons Learned #4
Visit the QIC-EY website for more.
National Quality Improvement Center on Family-Centered Reunification (QIC-R)
- "Implementing Culturally Responsive Programs and Practices for Under Resourced Populations" [Presentation slides]
- "Implementing Culturally Responsive Programs and Practices for Under Resourced Populations" [Webinar recording]
Visit the QIC-R website for more.
National Quality Improvement Center on Tailored Services, Placement Stability, and Permanency for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Two-Spirit Children and Youth in Foster Care (QIC-LGBTQ2S) at the National Center for Youth With Diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression (SOGIE Center)
- “National Recognition for AFFIRM Youth” [Blog post]
- Tool for Child Welfare Staff: Federal Funding for Gender Affirming Materials for Transgender & Nonbinary Youth in Foster Care
Visit the QIC-LGBTQ2S on the SOGIE Center website for more.
Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development (QIC-WD)
- "Experiences of Professionals of Color in the Child Welfare Workforce" [Blog post]
- "Key Findings From the QIC-WD at Various Stages of the Employee Lifecycle" [Blog post]
- "Secondary Traumatic Stress: Definitions, Measures, Predictors, and Interventions" [Blog post]
- September 2023 - QIC-WD Newsletter
- "The Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development: Bridging the Research–Practice Gap in Child Welfare" [Blog post]
- Final QIC-WD Newsletter
- September 2023 - QIC-WD Newsletter
- Umbrella Summary: Turnover
- Workforce Research Catalog [Tool]
Visit the QIC-WD website for more.
- "2023 Adoption and Foster Care Ads: 'You can't image the reward'" [Article]
- "Adoptive Families Highlight the Need for Adopting Teens in New Public Service Advertisements" [Blog post]
- "Bringing Joy, Humor, and Hope to the Support Group Experience" [Webinar recording]
- "Class Is in Session: A Discussion Guide to Help Families Navigate Schools" [Tool]
- "Foster and Adoptive Mom of 15 Years: 'Teens Are Great!'" [Article]
- "Help Resource Caregivers Support LGBTQ Youth: Insights From a Young Person With Lived Experience" [Article]
- "I Know First-Hand the Importance of Sibling Relationships in Foster Care" [Blog post]
- "Kinship Care: 'It’s Better for the Children and It’s Better for the Community'" [Article]
- "Resources for Children With Cross-Border Case Needs" [Webinar recording]
- "Thank You for Being a Child Welfare Worker!" [Article]
- "The Importance of Race and Culture in Adoption Permanency Decisions" [Webinar recording]
Visit the AdoptUSKids website for more.
James Bell Associates
Visit the James Bell Associates website for more.
Child Welfare Research
In this section, we highlight recent studies, literature reviews, and other research on child welfare topics.
- The Impact of Increased Postpermanency Payments on Foster Care Exits and Academic Achievement
The Impact of Increased Postpermanency Payments on Foster Care Exits and Academic Achievement
Lengthy stays in foster care and aging out of foster care can result in poor transitions to adulthood. However, it is common for financial support in the form of adoption assistance and guardianship assistance payments to be lower than foster care payments or nonexistent.
In 2015, Minnesota passed a child welfare policy change known as the Northstar Care for Children reform, which increased adoption and guardianship payments so they were equal to foster care payments. To examine the impact of financial incentives on child and youth permanency and other outcomes, researchers from the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare at the University of Minnesota conducted a study of the Northstar reform as part of the Minn-LInK project.
The study examined how the increase in permanency payments affected the following factors:
- The rate of exit from foster care and probability of exit into adoption and kin guardianship
- Child academic achievement years after the start of foster care
Researchers gathered data on foster care, education, and mental health from several sources, including the Minnesota Department of Human Services’ Social Services Information System, the Minnesota Department of Education’s Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System, Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment, Disciplinary Incident Reporting System, and Hennepin County Medical Center’s Medicaid claims. Using these data, researchers examined outcomes such as the rate of exit to adoption and kinship care, academic achievement, suspensions, school stability, and use of mental health services among a sample of more than 40,000 children and youth.
Findings affirmed the researchers’ hypothesis that increased payments could contribute to improved permanency achievement and academic outcomes. Specifically, study findings indicate the Northstar reform increased the likelihood of older children exiting foster care for adoption or guardianship, decreased time spent in foster care, and improved child and youth academic outcomes 3 years after entering the system.
A brief on the study and a discussion guide detailing practice implications and potential agency and system change are available on the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare website.
- Updating Supplemental Security Income Asset Limits Would Increase Family Economic Stability
Updating Supplemental Security Income Asset Limits Would Increase Family Economic Stability
A blog post from the Urban Institute synthesizes a recent and growing bipartisan, bicameral push for Congress to update the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program’s antiquated asset and income limit. That group of lawmakers introduced a bill that would make it easier for SSI recipients to save for financial emergencies without putting the benefits they rely on to live at risk.
This proposed legislation has the potential to positively affect millions of Americans, not just those individuals who are older and/or disabled for whom SSI is intended. This includes the 2.5 million children in the United States being raised by grandparents and other relatives in grandfamilies, many of whom receive or may be eligible to receive SSI benefits. The same is true for the millions of families headed by one or more parents with disabilities.
According to the blog post, more than 8 million people who are either over age 65 or are disabled and who have low incomes rely on these benefits to meet their families’ needs. However, current SSI asset limits, which were established in 1974 and were only partially adjusted for inflation in 1989 (nearly 35 years ago), penalize individuals and couples for working to grow even modest savings.
Updating outdated asset thresholds, as the SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act proposes, would increase families’ economic security and dramatically reduce poverty. The following evidence-based resources from the Urban Institute support this push and are linked in the article:
- How Four Proposals to Reform Supplemental Security Income Would Reduce Poverty
- Improving the Supplemental Security Income Program for Adults With Disabilities
- A Safety Net With 100 Percent Participation: How Much Would Benefits Increase and Poverty Decline?
- The Unintended Consequences of SNAP Asset Limits
To learn more, read the post, “Supplemental Security Income Thresholds Are Out of Date; Updating Them Would Reduce Poverty,” on the institute’s blog, the Urban Wire.
Related item: The June 2023 issue of CBX features an article about the Child Welfare Information Gateway publication Separating Poverty From Neglect in Child Welfare.
Strategies and Tools for Practice
This section of CBX features publications, articles, reports, toolkits, and other resources that provide evidence-based strategies or other concrete help to child welfare and related professionals.
- Analyzing and Reducing Youth Homelessness
Analyzing and Reducing Youth Homelessness
The Annie E. Casey Foundation recently released Preventing and Ending Youth Homelessness in America, the first brief in a series highlighting the challenges and opportunities faced by youth ages 14 through 24. The brief is part of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Thrive by 25 efforts to promote basic needs, permanency connections, education and credentials, financial stability, and youth leadership among young people.
The brief analyzes and outlines youth homelessness in the United States, including its prevalence, risk factors, and effects. Homelessness among youth often occurs when systems are unable to resolve family conflict related to parental abuse or neglect, substance use, a youth’s sexual orientation or gender identity, youth pregnancy, or other household challenges. In contrast, adult and family homelessness often stems from a lack of economic stability.
About 3.5 million young adults ages 18 to 25 and about 700,000 youth ages 13 to 17 experience some form of homelessness every year. This includes sleeping on the streets, in shelters, or couch surfing. These youth experiencing homelessness are more likely to experience threats to their health, safety, and well-being, such as missing school, struggling with mental health issues, substance use, being assaulted, being sexually assaulted, being trafficked, or resorting to survival crime.
The brief details recommendations for addressing youth homelessness:
- Develop a unified definition of youth homelessness
- Target funding to basic needs and other youth homelessness risks
- Focus on prevention
- Support cross-systems partnerships
- Advance equity
- Elevate youth voice
- Transform the justice system response
- Help young people leaving foster care prepare for adulthood
The brief is available on the Annie E. Casey website.
- Four Considerations for Improving Support to Family Caregivers
Four Considerations for Improving Support to Family Caregivers
Family caregiving situations vary greatly depending on a number of factors, such as living situation, length of caregiving, relationship, age, socioeconomic status, and more. Because of these factors, no two family caregivers have the same needs. To help organizations better understand and meet the unique needs of family caregivers, First Principles: Cross-Cutting Considerations for Family Caregiver Support outlines four cross-cutting issues that influence the caregiving experience.
The document is part of the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers, which was developed by the RAISE Act Family Caregiving Advisory Council and the Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (collectively, the Advisory Councils). The strategy is designed to help agencies, communities, and others meet family caregiver needs by implementing various actions.
The document details four cross-cutting issues that the Advisory Councils indicate should be reflected in all efforts to improve support to family caregivers:
- Person- and family-centered approaches: Caregivers should remain the focal point of interactions, not systems or providers.
- Trauma and its impact: Responses should proactively address the impact of trauma on the caregiving journey.
- Diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility: Caregivers who come from unserved, underserved, and marginalized communities may face additional caregiving challenges.
- The direct care workforce: A well-trained and well-paid direct care workforce of professional caregivers is necessary to ensure family caregivers have the services and support they need.
The document includes strategies and essential practices to support each of the four considerations. More information about the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers, including actions that federal, state, and community organizations can take to support the strategy, is available on the Administration for Community Living website.
This section of CBX presents interesting resources, such as websites, videos, journals, funding or scholarship opportunities, or other materials, that can be used in the field or with families.
- Permanency Options for Children in Kinship Foster Care
Permanency Options for Children in Kinship Foster Care
Children in kinship foster care are more likely to exit care to a forever home than children in nonrelative foster care. However, navigating this transition can be challenging. Deciding what permanency option is best for your family requires careful consideration and informed decision-making.
A brief from Generations United, Adoption and Guardianship for Children in Kinship Foster Care, helps relative caregivers, birth families, youth, and child welfare professionals learn about and understand the different permanency options. It provides general information about adoption and guardianship and how these options differ. Topics discussed include foster care licensure, basic principles and state laws concerning adoption and guardianship, assistance programs available for each, transitioning from guardian to adoptive parent, and more.
The laws that govern adoption and guardianship vary and are determined and implemented at the state, local, and tribal levels. To help kinship foster parents and others compare the two options, the brief also includes a national comparison and state-specific charts that focus on the important information about each.
The brief, national comparison chart, and state-specific charts were made possible with support from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and are available on the Generations United website.
- Caring for a Child Affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Caring for a Child Affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
A recent brief from the Grandfamilies and Kinship Support Network provides kin caregivers with information about how consuming alcohol during pregnancy can adversely affect children’s development. It offers tips for raising children who were exposed to alcohol before birth and now have fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
The brief discusses FASD—a disorder that comprises a spectrum of conditions, the effects of which can include mental, physical, and learning disabilities; behavioral challenges; and more—and its signs and symptoms. It also notes that, while FASD can manifest in a variety of ways and severity, there are many things grandparents and other caregivers can do to support the child in their care. With an emphasis on early intervention, the brief lists strategies grandparents and other caregivers can use to support the child.
Caring for a Child Affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is an adaptation of a Zero to Three resource and is available on the Grandfamilies and Kinship Support Network website.
Training and Conferences
Find trainings, workshops, webinars, and other opportunities for professionals and families to learn about how to improve the lives of children and youth as well as a listing of upcoming events and conferences.
- Introduction to LGBTQ+ Populations With Special Considerations for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Introduction to LGBTQ+ Populations With Special Considerations for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
A free e-learning course from the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity provides learners with basic information about the LGBTQ+ community and some of the challenges they experience that could lead to a need for mental health crisis support. While developed for use by crisis and mental health counselors, such as those with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Line (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline), this course and the important information presented therein can also benefit professionals from child welfare and many other disciplines in their work with individuals and families.
The hour-long, self-paced course, “Introduction to LGBTQ+ Populations With Special Considerations for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline,” which is available on the E-Learning Modules page of the center’s website, addresses LGBTQ+ terminology, including which terms to avoid and why; gender pronouns and associated best practices; how to speak with and about the LGBTQ+ community in an affirming and respectful way; mental health considerations; the coming out process; and more.
This and other eligible e-learning sessions offer 1.0 free continuing education credit (accredited by the Council on Social Work Education) or a noncredit certificate of attendance upon successful completion of the online training module, pre/posttest, and evaluation. To view session recordings or join future live webinars, sign up for a free account on the center’s website.
Related item: To learn about another e-learning opportunity from the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity, read the article “Providing Culturally Responsive Services to LGBTQ+ Youth and Their Families” in the May 2023 issue of CBX.
- Parenting Adopted Teens and Young Adults
Parenting Adopted Teens and Young Adults
Adolescence can be a trying time for many youth and their families, but for teens and young adults who have been or are in the process of being adopted, this is particularly true. A free training from Creating a Family provides adoptive parents with information and guidance for navigating the teen years with a focus on the added complexities that adoption presents.
In it, the course instructor, Katie Naftzger, a licensed clinical social worker, Korean adoptee, and author, discusses topics such as the challenges unique to parenting an adopted teen, trauma and adversity, birth family issues, identity development, supporting teens’ mental health, transitioning to adulthood, and more.
The 55-minute audio-recorded course includes a training outline and a 2-page tip sheet, which provides tips parents can use to better understand and support their child. Access the training "Parenting Adopted Teens and Young Adults" on the Creating a Family website.
- Conferences
Upcoming conferences and events on child welfare and adoption include the following:
- "The Brackeen Decision and the Future of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)"
Institute for the Study of Societal Issues, UC Berkeley
Virtual, November 2 - Empowering Families: A One-Day Online Training Event for Adoption Professionals
National Council for Adoption
Virtual, November 2 - High-Quality Legal Representation for Infants and Toddlers: Virtual Training Series
National Association of Counsel for Children, the ABA Center on Children and the Law, the Rocky Mountain Children's Law Center, Zero to Three, and the Kempe Center
Virtual, November 2, 9, 16 - 19th Annual Fatherhood Is Leadership National Conference
Native American Fatherhood & Families Association
Mesa, AZ, November 7–9 - "Putting into Practice: ICWA 101 and Tribal Engagement"
Capacity Building Center for States
Virtual, November 9
Palm Springs, CA, December 5–6
- 39th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment
Rady Children's Hospital
San Diego, CA, January 20–25
- "The Brackeen Decision and the Future of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)"