October 2023Vol. 24, No. 8Strategies for Recruiting Foster and Adoptive Families of Color
A webinar from AdoptUSKids focuses on "Recruiting Foster and Adoptive Families of Color: Stories and Strategies From Leaders of Color in Child Welfare." The presenters discuss the racial disproportionality rates, the impact of institutional and structural racism, and why families of color need unique supports. They also offer recruitment strategies they have used in their own practice.
The webinar touches on the importance of having a pool of families that reflects the diversity of the children in care and using data to inform recruitment and support priorities.
Suggestions for adapting recruitment strategies to fit child welfare professionals' local community, needs, and practices include the following:
- Examining and adapting images and other meaningful elements in your foster parent recruitment materials
- Reviewing your data on children in foster care and identifying trends and characteristics of children
- Reviewing your licensing and approval standards and making revisions as needed to align with your community's practices, values, and context
Watch the free 90-minute webinar for more information on connecting diligent recruitment to supporting racial equity in child welfare and stories from child welfare leaders with lived experience.