April 2024Vol. 25, No. 3What'sOK? Help for Teens and Young Adults
What'sOk is a child sex abuse prevention website and helpline for young people that aims to deter sexually harmful behaviors. This resource, offered by Stop It Now!, provides a platform that empowers individuals to voice their questions and concerns, find support, and learn about accountability, responsibility, and safety for themselves and other children and youth.
What'sOk offers free, confidential help and resources tailored to youth and young adults concerned about their own or another person's sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Resources cover a variety of topics such as understanding dating and relationships, boundaries and consent, sexual content and media, and more.
Visitors to the site can also explore the blog, which provides answers to common questions and some real questions and experiences, shared with permission and anonymity, from teens and young adults who reached out to What'sOk.
For an overview of the development of this prevention resource, see this article from the Association for the Treatment & Prevention of Sexual Abuse. To learn more, visit the What'sOk website.