News From the Children's Bureau
- National Conference Focuses on Protecting Children and Promoting Healthy Families
National Conference Focuses on Protecting Children and Promoting Healthy Families
The 16th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect was held April 16-21, 2007, at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, OR. More than 1,600 professionals attended the conference, which was sponsored by the Office on Child Abuse and Neglect within the Children's Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Children's Bureau worked with more than 40 Federal and non-Federal partners as national co-sponsors in planning the theme and agenda for the conference. The support of the local host agency, the Center for Improvement of Child and Family Services, Portland State University Graduate School of Social Work, and an extensive list of national and local benefactors was critical to the event's success.
The conference theme, "Protecting Children, Promoting Healthy Families, and Preserving Communities," was selected to demonstrate the hope that every child will be loved and protected. In her welcome letter to attendees, Joan E. Ohl, Commissioner of ACYF, noted, "[The theme] confirms our goal of a healthy family for every child in which to grow and thrive. As the building block of society, the family serves as the basis for strong neighborhoods and supportive communities."
The opening plenary session featured a keynote address by William C. Bell, CEO and President of Casey Family Programs, emphasizing the role each conference participant plays in the effort to strengthen families and ensure all children grow up in safe, nurturing, and loving homes. J. Robert Flores, Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention at the U.S. Department of Justice, reminded conference attendees of the strong connection between childhood abuse and neglect and later delinquent and criminal behavior and the need for increased prevention programming to protect children and preserve community safety. Juan Williams, Emmy Award-winning author and television commentator as well as a senior correspondent at National Public Radio, spoke passionately of the need to return to traditional individual, family, and community values while we keep our "eyes on the prize" of strong families and safe children and communities. Dr. Hilary Weaver, a Lakota social worker and President of the American Indian Alaska Native Social Work Educators' Association, closed the conference with a discussion of culturally based examples of valuing children and families, together with strategies for developing collaborative relationships and community partnerships aimed at both preventing and treating child abuse and neglect.
Professionals from multiple disciplines attended preconference seminars, plenary sessions, experiential learning opportunities, workshops, and skill seminars. A film forum featured select videos and films. All activities reflected the conference theme and corresponded to one of six Learning Clusters: bridging research and practice, prevention, collaboration, workforce issues, systems change, and innovations in practice. Evening activities, including a Shanghai Tunnels Tour, Portland Trail Blazers Basketball Game, and a Public Art Walk and Dinner, gave attendees a chance to relax, meet with friends and colleagues, and enjoy the great city of Portland.
Find more information about the conference, including the full program, on the Child Welfare Information Gateway website:
- Information Gateway Posts New Resources
Information Gateway Posts New Resources
Child Welfare Information Gateway recently developed three new resources specifically for child welfare professionals:
- Enhancing Permanency for Older Youth in Out-of-Home Care addresses the challenges of permanency planning with older youth and highlights successful models and activities.
- Family Reunification: What the Evidence Shows presents data from the Child and Family Services reviews, evidence from research, and program examples to offer insight into factors and services linked to reunification and stability.
- Sibling Issues in Foster Care and Adoption includes research, intervention strategies, and resources to assist professionals in preserving connections among siblings in the child welfare system.
- Enhancing Permanency for Older Youth in Out-of-Home Care addresses the challenges of permanency planning with older youth and highlights successful models and activities.
- Funding Strategies for CBCAP Programs
Funding Strategies for CBCAP Programs
Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) State Lead Agencies looking for ways to maximize funding for child abuse prevention initiatives can benefit from a guidebook and toolkit recently released by the National Resource Center for CBCAP (FRIENDS). The book describes a series of creative financing strategies for optimizing resources and strengthening agency capacity. Some of the funding strategies discussed include leveraged, braided, blended, and pooled funding, and public and private fundraising.
Maximizing Fiscal Resources for the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) State Lead Agencies: A Guidebook and Tool Kit is available on the FRIENDS website: (PDF - 239 KB)
- Nominations Open for Adoption Excellence Awards
Nominations Open for Adoption Excellence Awards
Do you know of an individual or program that has made a significant contribution to promoting successful adoptions of children from foster care? If so, take the time now to nominate your candidate for an Adoption Excellence Award, to be presented to the winners in the fall of 2007 in Washington, DC. The deadline is August 17, 2007.
Each year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Children and Families (ACF) recognizes individuals, families, and organizations that have made an outstanding contribution to providing safe, permanent, and loving homes for waiting children in foster care. Winners of the Adoption Excellence Awards are those who have demonstrated leadership, innovation, and dedication in helping children in foster care rebuild their lives and achieve permanency.
Awardees may be individuals and organizations, including States, public agencies, universities, Tribes, courts, families, faith-based organizations, businesses, and more. Awards are made in 10 categories:
- Decrease in the length of time that children in foster care wait for adoption
- Increased adoptions of older children
- Interjurisdictional adoptions
- Faith-based initiatives
- Support for adoptive families
- Individual and/or family contributions
- Philanthropy and/or business contributions
- Judicial or child welfare system improvement
- Adoption of minority children from foster care
- Media/public awareness of adoption from foster care
Nomination packets will be reviewed by a national panel of recognized adoption experts, including members of State and Federal agencies. The review panel will make recommendations for awards to the ACF Assistant Secretary. Winners will be selected on the basis of 10 criteria, including collaboration, innovation, and community involvement.
Everyone interested in making nominations, including self-nominations, is invited to visit the Children's Bureau website for more information:
- The Latest Children's Bureau Discretionary Grants
The Latest Children's Bureau Discretionary Grants
The Children's Bureau has published announcements for several more grants, all with deadlines in late June or early July:
- Using Comprehensive Family Assessments to Improve Child Welfare Outcomes (June 25 deadline)
- The National Child Welfare Leadership Institute (July 2 deadline)
- Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect Through Nurse Home Visitation (July 2 deadline)
- Targeted Grants to Increase the Well-Being of, and to Improve the Permanency Outcomes for, Children Affected by Methamphetamine or Other Substance Abuse (July 3 deadline)
- New! On the Children's Bureau Site
New! On the Children's Bureau Site
The Children's Bureau website carries information on child welfare programs, funding, monitoring, training and technical assistance, laws, statistics, research, Federal reporting, and much more. The "New on Site" section includes grant announcements, policy announcements, agency information, and recently released publications.
Recent additions to the site include:
- 2007 Adoption Excellence Awards—Guidelines and the nomination form are now available.
- Discretionary Grant Announcements—Find detailed descriptions of the latest Children's Bureau grant announcements for FY 2007.
- Updated! Reports and Results of the First and Second Rounds of the Child and Family Services Reviews—New preliminary assessments and statewide assessments are available for the second round of the CFSR process for Delaware, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Vermont.
- Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility On-site Review Instrument (Spanish version)—A Spanish-language version of the instrument completed during the onsite Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Reviews.
- Information Memorandum 07-04: Issued: May 17, 2007. Assisted Guardianship Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration Projects and Categorical Eligibility for Medicaid for Title IV-E Eligible Children.
- Information Memorandum 07-03: Issued: May 8, 2007. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
Visit the Children's Bureau website often to see what's new!
- Workforce Recruitment and Retention in New England
Workforce Recruitment and Retention in New England
A project by the University of Southern Maine's Child Welfare Training Institute aims to increase and improve the recruitment and retention of child welfare workers in Maine and other New England States through a mix of best practice strategies. Essential components of the project include activities in the areas of recruitment, selection of new employees, and supervisory support and training.
Recruitment is an ongoing process from a central office that coordinates for the entire State of Maine, including extensive Internet postings. An important thrust of the recruitment strategy is a marketing approach developed by staff, who have created a logo, brand, and website for the project. Recruitment materials—including a brochure, packet, and display for job fairs—are designed to be eye-catching and provide realistic job information. Another successful recruitment strategy has been the establishment of internships, both paid and unpaid, for college students.
The process of selecting new workers is designed to help both the candidate and the agency determine whether the job would be a good fit. Components include:
- Showing a realistic job preview video
- Engaging in a mutual decision-making process in which both the applicant and the agency answer questions about suitability for the job
- Comparing candidates against 10 core competencies that may predict long-term success on the job
- Requiring applicants to complete a realistic caseworker exercise designed to test their skills in interviewing, fact-finding, analyzing case material, and writing
The project supports child welfare supervisors through a Supervisory Academy that focuses on four levels of professional development and includes the design for a certificate program for experienced supervisors and an M.S.W. course entitled "Creating a High Performance Workforce in Child Welfare." In addition to training, supervisors engage in a number of structured on-the-job activities designed to promote mastery of core competencies.
Evaluation of Maine's child welfare recruitment and retention project began in 2004 and is ongoing. It features a database to track turnover and vacancies, data from entrance and exit questionnaires, results from annual job satisfaction surveys, financial costs of turnover, and analysis of the efficacy of internships and competency-based screening. Many of the survey results are currently available on the project's website, along with recruitment materials and other resources, such as "When the Child Speaks: The Impact of Caseworker Turnover on Children and Youth," a video of interviews with children in foster care.
For more information about the project, visit the website: contact the project director:
Freda Bernotavicz, Project Director
Institute for Public Sector Innovation
Muskie School, University of Southern Maine
295 Water Street
Augusta, ME 04330
fredab@usm.maine.eduThe Recruitment and Retention of Child Welfare Staff project is funded by the Children's Bureau, Grant 90CT0112, under the Children's Bureau Priority Area: Developing Models of Effective Child Welfare Staff Recruitment and Retention Training. This article is part of a series highlighting successful Children's Bureau grant-funded projects around the country, emerging from official Children's Bureau site visits.
- Child Welfare Matters: An Interview With Jerry Milner
Child Welfare Matters: An Interview With Jerry Milner
The latest issue of Child Welfare Matters, a publication of the National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organizational Improvement (NRCOI), features an interview with Jerry Milner of the Children's Bureau. Mr. Milner talks about the ways States can prepare for the second round of Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSRs) and discusses the importance of stakeholder involvement and full engagement at the State and local levels to improve services and outcomes. (PDF - 437 KB)
- Systems of Care Issue Briefs
Systems of Care Issue Briefs
As part of its ongoing 5-year study on systems of care implementation, the Research & Training Center for Children’s Mental Health of the University of South Florida recently published four issue briefs that focus on the ways communities develop and successfully implement systems of care. The term "systems of care" refers to a collaborative, individualized, and community-based approach to service provision that is based on a common set of values and principles; the approach grew out of the children's mental health services reform movement.
The issue briefs summarize the lessons learned during the first two phases of the study and provide a description of data collection and analysis methods at the eight study sites. The series includes these titles:
- System of Care Definition
- Critical Factors in System of Care Implementation
- Leadership Qualities in Successful Systems of Care
- Evidence-Based Practices and Systems of Care: Implementation Matters
For more information on the study or to see the issue briefs, visit:
Related Item
Visit the recently updated Systems of Care section on the Child Welfare Information Gateway website:
- CFSR Training and Technical Assistance
CFSR Training and Technical Assistance
As States plan for the second round of the Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSRs), they can draw on a new suite of training and technical assistance materials, courtesy of the National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organizational Improvement (NRCOI) and other Children's Bureau National Resource Centers. The materials are designed to help State agencies prepare for the CFSRs, enhance their leadership and management capacity, and improve outcomes. Seven training modules are available, including five to aid in planning and two to be used during the CFSR process:
- Leading systemic change
- Strategic planning
- Strengthening supervision
- Engaging community stakeholders, including the courts and legal system, State-Tribal partnerships, and family caregivers and youth
- Using information and data
- CFSR kickoff
- Program improvement planning
Modules include a synopsis, facilitator guide, participant workbook, and PowerPoint presentation. NRCOI staff are available to help States customize the materials and work with State agencies, once the agencies have received approval from their Regional Office.
The CFSR Training and Technical Assistance Package is available on the NRCOI website:
- Permanency Planning Today
Permanency Planning Today
The spring 2007 issue of Permanency Planning Today, a newsletter published by the National Resource Center for Family-Centered Practice and Permanency Planning (NRCFCPPP), includes articles on substance abuse in child welfare, technology to protect social workers, domestic violence, children missing from foster care, and sensitive language use when dealing with families and children. The newsletter leads off with a word from NRCFCPPP Director Gerald P. Mallon about his recent experience providing technical assistance in recovery efforts for States affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. (PDF - 1,590 KB)
Related Item
Also on the NRCFCPPP website are the results of the Massachusetts Department of Social Services' first statewide Breakthrough Series Collaborative. Breakthrough Series Collaborative on Adolescent Permanency: Promising Practices and Lessons Learned is the result of an effort that engaged adolescents, resource families, social workers, supervisors, managers, residential placement providers, courts, schools, and community and agency partners to arrive at a global understanding of the issues involved. Themes and promising practices were identified to help pave the way for a statewide consensus on permanency planning. Permanency_BSC_Promising%20Practices_Final%20Report.pdf (PDF - 4,080 KB)
Child Welfare Research
- Developmental Services for Young Children in Foster Care
Developmental Services for Young Children in Foster Care
A study in the Journal of Social Service Research examined the extent to which child welfare and intervention agencies identify and help prevent developmental delays in high-risk young children entering foster care. Previous research has shown that children in foster care often have elevated rates of developmental delay, compared to children in the general population. Children ages 0 to 5 are especially vulnerable, given the increased brain activity and growth occurring during these first years.
Drawing on interviews with agency administrators and published policies from agencies in 83 counties that formed a national probability sample, researchers found that a high percentage of children in foster care were eligible for early intervention for developmental delay but did not receive adequate therapy. Approximately half of the counties had comprehensive screening policies for children in foster care, and two-thirds of the counties referred children for intervention when services were indicated. However, many of the larger counties did not have comprehensive screening policies, leaving the majority of children without screening for developmental delay.
This study examines challenges and possible solutions related to screening for developmental delays and accessing developmental services for children in foster care. Recommendations include:
- Adoption of comprehensive screening policies by counties
- Consistent training for those performing the screenings, including training in the use of standardized measurement tools
- Better coordination with foster parents, since those parents are often required to contact the service agency
- Better tracking of children's referrals and services as they move through foster care
"Developmental Services for Young Children in Foster Care: Assessment and Service Delivery," by Aubyn Stahmer, Laurel Leslie, John Landsverk, Jinjin Zhang, and Jennifer Rolls, was published in the Journal of Social Service Research, 33(2), 27–36. It is available for purchase online:
- Children's Perspectives on Out-of-Home Care
Children's Perspectives on Out-of-Home Care
A recent literature review synthesized the results of 22 qualitative studies—including interviews with current and former foster youth—to better understand children's perspectives on out-of-home care. Using a client-centered evaluation approach, the study highlights the importance of consumer feedback and the unique insights foster children can contribute to the development of child welfare practice, planning, and policy.
The study reviewed children's experiences in relation to four child welfare goals: protecting children from harm, fostering well-being, supporting children's families, and promoting permanence. Four themes emerged from the interviews:
- Children often feel safer in their caregiver's home than they did in their birth parent's home, but not necessarily in the new neighborhood in which they live.
- The strength of children's relationships has a positive influence on their subjective experience of safety, permanency, and well-being; to encourage strong relationships, social workers should help children maintain current healthy relationships while building new ones.
- Children often have a broader concept of family than strict legal definitions allow, and they may benefit from more inclusive definitions of family.
- When appropriate, children should be involved in case planning and permanency decisions.
The authors suggest that social workers and caregivers can use children's feedback both in their everyday work and to advocate for policy and program improvements. They also suggest that the child welfare field would benefit from expanding the knowledge base in this often overlooked field of study.
"A Response to No One Ever Asked Us: A Review of Children's Experiences in Out-of-Home Care," by Adair Fox and Jill Duerr Berrick, was published in the Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 24(1), and can be viewed online:
- Deadline Set for Hague Accreditation for Adoption Agencies
Deadline Set for Hague Accreditation for Adoption Agencies
The U.S. Department of State has set February 15, 2008, as the deadline for initial accreditation or approval for adoption agencies that wish to be accredited or approved when the Hague Convention enters into force in the United States. At that time, agencies will need to be accredited or approved in order to provide adoption services in Convention cases.
The Department previously announced November 17, 2006, as a transitional application deadline for accreditation or approval. All agencies that applied by the transitional deadline must now complete the process by February 15, 2008, including the correction of any identified deficiencies.
The United States plans to submit its instrument of ratification in late 2007, and the Convention will enter into force approximately 3 months later. The Department will publish the date in the Federal Register and on its website.
More information is available on the State Department website at: [Editor's note: This link is no longer available.]
Strategies and Tools for Practice
- Court Practices to Improve Outcomes for Young Children
Court Practices to Improve Outcomes for Young Children
Four model court-community partnerships that focus on the developmental needs of very young children are striving to improve outcomes for maltreated infants, toddlers, and their families. Young children are at particular risk for long-term harm when early relationships, which provide the foundation for a child's social and emotional well-being, are disrupted by placement in out-of-home care. A new policy brief published by the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law and ZERO TO THREE explains how collaboration among court, child protection, and mental health systems can help young children and their families in the child welfare system achieve permanency and stability.
Part I of the policy brief describes the four model programs and includes a sample case illustrating how each program has helped a young child. Three core beliefs form the basis for the programs:
- Relationships are key to changing systems and practices.
- Interventions informed by the science of early childhood development lead to better outcomes.
- Communication, collaboration, and a long-term view are necessary to help children and families.
Part II focuses on common components that contribute to the success of court-community collaboration. Practice tips for attorneys and judges interested in establishing a court-community collaboration are also provided.
Healing the Youngest Children: Model Court-Community Partnerships is available online: (164 MB)
- Parent Mentors in Child Welfare
Parent Mentors in Child Welfare
A child welfare program that matches former clients with parents new to the system is showing promise for increasing parent engagement and support. In Contra Costa County, CA, parents who have successfully navigated the child welfare system and reunited with their children are selected, hired, and trained as parent advocates who can work within the system to provide mentoring and support to other parents dealing with child welfare issues. This Parent Partners program is described in a recent article in Child Welfare.
Trained Parent Partners are able to help parents new to the child welfare system by:
- Sharing their own experiences and modeling appropriate and empowering behavior
- Connecting parents with appropriate resources, often providing a personal contact
- Serving as contacts at court hearings and team decision-making meetings
- Serving as a link between parents and the child welfare system
- Expanding the parents' social networks
An extra benefit of the Parent Partners program is the impact it has made on child welfare staff and the agency's organizational climate. Having the paid Parent Partners on the staff and in nearby office cubicles has promoted more positive language about parents by caseworkers, as well as greater sensitivity to parent concerns and perspectives. This shift in attitudes may contribute to a more family-centered organization.
Read about the Parent Partners program in "Closer to Home: Parent Mentors in Child Welfare," by Edward Cohen and Linda Canan, in the September/October 2006 issue of Child Welfare. For information on abstracts and subscriptions, visit the Child Welfare League of America website:
- Early Head Start Supports Teen Parents
Early Head Start Supports Teen Parents
Early Head Start (EHS) programs are in a unique position to help teen parents, especially those involved with the child protective services system and those who have children with disabilities. As part of the Federal Head Start program, EHS provides a range of services to eligible low-income pregnant women and mothers with infants and toddlers, many of whom are teen parent families. A new issue brief from the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) examines the special needs of these families and highlights promising EHS programs and activities across the country.
Teen parent families may face increased risks for child abuse and neglect and for disabilities and developmental delays in children. Studies have shown that teen parent participation in EHS programs helps improve child development and parenting behavior and increases economic self-sufficiency and the family's ability to access support services.
The report highlights the importance of increased collaboration between EHS programs and other systems serving teen parent families, especially child protective services and early intervention programs. EHS can collaborate with the child welfare system to prevent child abuse and neglect by teaching teenage parents appropriate parenting techniques, improving their knowledge of child development, and connecting them to support services. EHS programs can also identify children who may have disabilities and facilitate access to appropriate services.
The full report, Early Head Start and Teen Parent Families: Partnerships for Success, is based on discussion and findings from a 2-day meeting of EHS providers. Descriptions of the EHS programs and services represented by participants are included. The report was funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and is available on the CLASP website: (PDF - 3,440 KB)
- Interactive Newsletter Explores Children's Mental Health
Interactive Newsletter Explores Children's Mental Health
Data Matters is an interactive electronic newsletter that highlights the importance of data, discusses evaluation strategies and outcomes, and informs readers about the latest developments in the field of children's mental health.
Each month, featured discussions in Data Matters coincide with the teleconference topic of the National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health. Participants can read a featured article, browse through additional resources, review posted comments, and access an archive of previous discussions. Participants are encouraged to post their own comments to the site to facilitate greater interaction and discussion.
The National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health is operated by the Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development. - National Center for Trauma-Informed Care
National Center for Trauma-Informed Care
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has created a new center to assist publicly funded agencies, programs, and services to deal more effectively with the needs of trauma survivors. The National Center for Trauma-Informed Care (NCTIC) emphasizes that trauma from violence or abuse is often an underlying cause of mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, or substance abuse.
The NCTIC website offers access to many resources, including education and outreach, trauma-informed care models, and trauma-specific treatments and interventions. These include topic papers and research, links, and other materials to help educate and foster a deeper understanding of the impact of trauma, and free or low-cost trauma training and technical assistance for publicly funded health and human service systems and programs.
NCTIC is a service of the Center for Mental Health Services of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) of HHS. - Youth Permanency Voices
Youth Permanency Voices
The latest issue of Casey Family Services' Voice focuses on families for youth in foster care, presenting a number of short articles by youth, caseworkers, parents, policymakers, administrators, and the media. Each tells his or her story from a different viewpoint, but all highlight the importance of permanency for youth. The stories illustrate that the need for a family does not end at age 18 or 21; rather, teens and young men and women still need permanent connections with caring adults.
The stories in this issue of Voice grew out of the 2006 National Convening on Youth Permanence in Washington, DC, a 4-day gathering of child welfare leaders and youth advocates. The issue is available online: (PDF - 776 KB)
- Guide to Successful Proposal Writing
Guide to Successful Proposal Writing
The Foundation Center offers detailed instructions on preparing successful grant proposals in the newly released fifth edition of its publication, Guide to Proposal Writing. The Guide outlines the entire proposal-writing process, including preproposal planning and components of the proposal, and offers guidance from grantmakers.
Excerpts from successful grant proposals are inserted throughout the Guide, and a complete model proposal is included in the appendix. An updated bibliography features selected resources on proposal development, including web and print sources. A new chapter focuses on crafting an effective evaluation component, addressing the heightened interest in outcome-based assessment of funded projects.
The Guide to Proposal Writing is available for purchase from the Foundation Center.
Training and Conferences
Find trainings, workshops, webinars, and other opportunities for professionals and families to learn about how to improve the lives of children and youth as well as a listing of upcoming events and conferences.
- CASA Training on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
CASA Training on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
The Arizona Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program now offers an online training module on fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). The module includes a history of the disorder, criteria for identifying and diagnosing FAS and related disorders, the effects of in utero exposure, treatments, and the behavioral and learning traits associated with FAS.
The FAS training is one of several training modules available on the Arizona CASA website. Other topics include court procedures, illnesses and syndromes, family interactions, and substance abuse. While the trainings are designed to help CASAs meet their continuing education requirements, they can also be used by Foster Care Review Board members, other volunteers, and the general public.
- Conferences
Upcoming national conferences on adoption and child welfare through September 2007 include:
July 2007
- 10th National Child Welfare Data and Technology Conference
Making IT Work—Linking Data With Practice and Outcomes
National Resource Center for Child Welfare Data and Technology
July 18–20, Washington, DC - Generations United 14th International Conference
Intergenerational: It's Monumental
Generations United
July 24–27, Washington, DC - NACAC 33rd Annual Conference
One Child, Every Child
North American Council on Adoptable Children
July 26–28, Tampa, FL - FFTA 21st Annual Conference on Treatment Foster Care
Bringing It Home . . . Strengthening Family-Based Services
Foster Family-Based Treatment Association
July 29–August 1, Orlando, FL
August 2007
- Attachment Disorder Network 2007 Conference
Parenting Traumatized Children
August 2–4, Excelsior Springs, MO - NACC 30th National Juvenile and Family Law Conference
National Association of Counsel for Children
August 15–18, Keystone Mountain Resort, CO
September 2007
- NAPCWA Fall Meeting
National Association of Public Child Welfare Administrators
September 7–10, Arlington, VA - 12th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma
Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma
September 15–20, San Diego, CA - 20th Annual National Independent Living Conference
Growing Pains 2007
Daniel Memorial Institute
September 19–22, Denver, CO
Further details about national and regional adoption and child welfare conferences can be found through the "Conference Calendar Search" feature on the Child Welfare Information Gateway website:
- 10th National Child Welfare Data and Technology Conference